General Gaming Community: Need Input!!!
So far so good, unfortunately I'm on vacation as are some of the other founders so we're doing our best to work on it when we can. The .com is settled and the website and its features are still incomplete to a level of satisfaction so that will remain under construction for the time being. The forum is up and running, but we're still having difficultly getting members of our Guildwars and Rift branches to join the forum. Not that we're looking for more members to look good but getting the main discussion areas rolling it would be nice.

The team has been accepted into some smaller team starcraft leagues so that's a nice start for that area and the Rift guild is apparently gaining much recognition (I don't play that game, so I'm unsure of the mechanics inside. but I'm being assured its a success by forum members and leaders)

All in all its coming along, I expect once we have a nice main site offering VoDs, Live Streams, and hosting tourneys things will progress much faster. Thanks for the interest ;)

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Messages In This Thread
RE: General Gaming Community: Need Input!!! - by HellJanitorIsHispanic - 12 Jun 11, 09:37AM
RE: General Gaming Community: Need Input!!! - by Woolly - 31 Jul 11, 07:25PM