My disqualification from the ACWC
:O Thread needs to be closed.(and I'm almost always in favor of keeping them open.)
Less violence please. Castiel did his apology and left the decision in Luc's hands. And Luc@s can make the decision as he wants, whether its warranted or not. The back and forth "you're stupid;;;no you're stupid!" stuff... won't change his mind.

so Castiel supporters every forum member doesn't need to speak anymore. You'll just get warning points, or end up in one of the walls of text saying "you not dev so u dumbz." All pointless and unnecessary.

and luc@s supporters other devs(tempest ftw!) who are forced to take luc@s's side, you're better off closing the thread to prevent random flaming, and prevent Luc yelling at everyone that they don't understand.

All the thread is doing is giving bad reps to ACWC and a dev.
Less splitting the community into two sides, and more <3
Let them settle it nicely through pm's. :)

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Messages In This Thread
My disqualification from the ACWC - by castiel - 28 Jul 11, 04:07PM
RE: My disqualification from the ACWC - by Nightmare - 29 Jul 11, 06:48PM