Suggestion: Flags on CTF should belong to the team, not to individual members
The whole scoring needs an overhaul.

Any point, frag, flag cap or otherwise should go toward the team's score, this would mean when someone leaves the server, their contribution to the team is not lost.

However, each player should have their stats on the scoreboard, so they would still see their flag caps, frags and other points next to their name - but the team keeps the score if the player goes anywhere.

With this, we could introduce TDM games with frag limits, TOSOK games keep track of frag scores in an accurate manner - not having a player leaving the server and the whole team's score changing, or the aforementioned scenario where a flag scorer changes teams and impacts on the team's score.

Perhaps nobody cares about their contribution to the team because there is no real way of telling how your team is going, just how each player in your team is going collectively.
That being said, if there were team scores - there would be much more teamwork in pubs because there is a sense your whole team is actually a team, not just a free for all with people you get a penalty for killing.
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RE: Suggestion: Flags on CTF should belong to the team, not to individual members - by Polusive - 26 Jul 11, 07:26AM