Introduction // recent opinions...
This thread has led to some interesting debate about cheaters and what is done to counteract their efforts to ruin (in our point of view) the game.

Brahma's imo should have had a great deal more of physical supports in order to detect cheats and improving the anti-cheat project.
Had he like a strong dedicated team behind him he probably never gave up.

But to comment the original post, I am called all sorts of names all the time ingame, often kicked out servers when I am on top of the score board... Do I come here and cry cry about it? NO!

And it's Tipper called Girlie? You having a giraffe or what?
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Messages In This Thread
Introduction // recent opinions... - by Benson - 16 Jul 11, 02:39AM
RE: Introduction // recent opinions... - by Cleaner - 19 Jul 11, 12:00PM
RE: Introduction // recent opinions... - by beta_boy - 21 Jul 11, 05:54AM