19 Jul 11, 07:07AM
About logic:
There are many kinds of logic and you can even create your own. The standard logic has many problems and especially semantic. There exists domain dependent logics or time dependent logics for example.
About statistic:
Statistic works with bigger numbers, therefore is used for atoms, people in states, in economy. You cannot apply static with 200 players in AC. If you have so few units, the weight of interpretations is really high. In such case the statistic is used only as first step for deeper analyze.
About anticheat:
The direction through anticheat is only one. The massive blacklisting or demo analyzes didn't work.
About "pro" player analyzes:
There is possible,the "pro" player can have the reason to think some player cheats, other players (able to analyze) should raise eyes with warning, but he shouldn't tell him it publicly. he should collect materials and then ban him. I remember we were blamed we thought it about one player in private discussion in his server, he was very angry about it after reading logs. There is a line. Tipper got across.
There are many kinds of logic and you can even create your own. The standard logic has many problems and especially semantic. There exists domain dependent logics or time dependent logics for example.
About statistic:
Statistic works with bigger numbers, therefore is used for atoms, people in states, in economy. You cannot apply static with 200 players in AC. If you have so few units, the weight of interpretations is really high. In such case the statistic is used only as first step for deeper analyze.
About anticheat:
The direction through anticheat is only one. The massive blacklisting or demo analyzes didn't work.
About "pro" player analyzes:
There is possible,the "pro" player can have the reason to think some player cheats, other players (able to analyze) should raise eyes with warning, but he shouldn't tell him it publicly. he should collect materials and then ban him. I remember we were blamed we thought it about one player in private discussion in his server, he was very angry about it after reading logs. There is a line. Tipper got across.