Introduction // recent opinions...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
As time goes on, cheats will have to become more and more subtle in order to escape detection (this is, in large part, due to the anticheat). And the more subtle cheats become, the less disruptive they are to legitimate gameplay (and the less useful they are to the cheaters). In my mind, this implies that cheating will eventually be so useless as to not be worth cheaters' time.

Zarj's point about obvious cheats is spot on. Those "in-your-face, you-can't-play-because-of-how-over-9000-this-cheat-is" cheats are what nearly ruined AC. The anti-cheat is one of the best improvements to the game ever. Maybe it had a couple bugs (fixed now -- yes, it's constantly changing, so criticism against it one day will be outdated the next), and maybe it doesn't kick out every single cheater, but I'd like to see anyone else do a better job on their first try.

As for subtle cheats, think about if you were accused of a crime. Would you rather have a judge and jury who base the court decisions on factual evidence, or on their gut instincts?
In the first place, it is illegal in many areas to accuse someone of a crime without proper evidence. Aside from that, it's simply rude. You may have noticed the community trying to cut back on rudeness lately. This is a legitimate, forceful movement included in the forum rules.
As tempest mentioned, if you're (meaning anyone reading this) sure enough about a cheat to accuse him to his face, you ought to instead quietly submit the evidence to the blacklist thread.
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Messages In This Thread
Introduction // recent opinions... - by Benson - 16 Jul 11, 02:39AM
RE: Introduction // recent opinions... - by V-Man - 18 Jul 11, 10:40PM
RE: Introduction // recent opinions... - by beta_boy - 21 Jul 11, 05:54AM