Introduction // recent opinions...
Let's address Benson's concerns and try to achieve some sort of resolution on that front before we go off on these tangents. Targeted insults should not be tolerated on a public server and will not be tolerated on these forums regardless of your opinion. Even if these accusations are true they do not warrant such unsavoury remarks especially from a long time community member who should be setting the example. Benson would probably just appreciate that it doesn't occur again.

Re: The supposed policy of "let[ting] the discrete cheats play because it’s too much aggravation to remove them from the game"

Nobody could encourage such a policy. The difference between the discrete and the obvious is that the obvious blacklists can be confidently supported by clear evidence while the discrete are largely a matter of opinion. To my knowledge, only the discrete cases have resulted in flip flopping bans; a player is banned for cheating only to have that ban removed by some when their decision is reversed. The "policy" above is just a reflection of frustration and disagreement on individual cases. A ban endorsed by this forum should ideally be confidently supported by the community but when the case is discrete and the evidence is weak it is difficult to achieve this confident support. Thus it is possible that case should not be endorsed by this forum but server owners are obviously permitted to form their own opinions and act accordingly.

It is impossible to debate one "policy" over another because we're ignoring the fact that it ultimately boils down to the evidence of each case and the opinions of those that analyse the data. The only real policy is that cheating is not permitted and those that are caught will be banned. Whether that ban achieves the confident support above is, again, a matter of opinion.
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Messages In This Thread
Introduction // recent opinions... - by Benson - 16 Jul 11, 02:39AM
RE: Introduction // recent opinions... - by Mael - 18 Jul 11, 09:28PM
RE: Introduction // recent opinions... - by beta_boy - 21 Jul 11, 05:54AM