Suggestion: Flags on CTF should belong to the team, not to individual members
What the title says. It's super annoying when playing CTF that a player that made 6 flag runs for your team is suddenly forced by the server to the opposing team, or quits the server. It just messes up the whole score. Your side's 4 flag advantage is now a 2 flag deficit.

Total CTF successful flags should belong to the team, not to any specific member. I'd say that individual members should still have the number of flags they made next to their name on the scoreboard, including ones they made for the opposing team, but if he switched sides the flags should still belong to the side he made it under. So individuals still get credit, but switching sides does not bring their flags to the opposing side.
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Suggestion: Flags on CTF should belong to the team, not to individual members - by CathodeRayTube - 11 Jul 11, 02:50PM