Serious Discussion about Recent Events in the Forum and the Lack of Professionalism

This is just like Rebecca Black. Seriously, for 12 Million clicks on Youtube, you just need to do that:

1: Create a totally mad'n'stupid topic, something like jeans, telephones, or sh't ;)
2: Get a 12 year old girl & some stupid friends.
3: Let them drive.
4: Let the girl wake up in her bed, in the beginning.
4: Somewhere in the middle of the song, you need a rapper. (It's perfect when he is 12 years old, and drives too)
5: Upload it on youtube.
6: Ready! Now you'll get like 100 Milion clicks, and more than 98% of them are dislikes

PS: Her eyes are so ugly >.<
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Serious Discussion about Recent Events in the Forum and the Lack of Professionalism - by Dementium4ever - 05 Jul 11, 12:54PM