02 Jul 11, 05:50PM
if its only flags, then it takes away from defense. If the flags are tied and then frags are a 50+ difference then the one with more frags would win.
- 1 because they took their time and strategically made there way to the enemy flag killing the enemy several times before getting there, instead of rifle sprinting every time.
- 2 if its a 3v3 or any match for that matter, there is usually one main defender and 2 offense depending on how that clan plays strategically, so with at least one main defender, there is going to be camping from that person and those kills should not be nulled just cuz he is not getting flags, flags is not the defenders purpose.
So only having it be based on Flags takes away from the strategy and defense that is being use by the clans that are playing. you see some clans are more offensive based, so they kill only when needed and have a strategy just to get the flag, and others are more based on defense so they take their time getting the flag.
If its just based on Flags and not defense and strategy, why not have matches just be, no shooting and just going after the flag, see who cna do it the fastest.
- 1 because they took their time and strategically made there way to the enemy flag killing the enemy several times before getting there, instead of rifle sprinting every time.
- 2 if its a 3v3 or any match for that matter, there is usually one main defender and 2 offense depending on how that clan plays strategically, so with at least one main defender, there is going to be camping from that person and those kills should not be nulled just cuz he is not getting flags, flags is not the defenders purpose.
So only having it be based on Flags takes away from the strategy and defense that is being use by the clans that are playing. you see some clans are more offensive based, so they kill only when needed and have a strategy just to get the flag, and others are more based on defense so they take their time getting the flag.
If its just based on Flags and not defense and strategy, why not have matches just be, no shooting and just going after the flag, see who cna do it the fastest.