25 Jun 11, 05:40PM
The discussion as we wrote the code took a similar path, hamolton. We decided the proper thing to do, would be, that the infrastructure-tool would provide you with the option to download single packages, combos (prepared or on-the-fly) and always the grand-deluxe-ALLinONE-package.
But since there's has only ever been one big map-MediaPack ..
.. the tool and code currently haven't progressed anymore towards optimum user-friendliness since it's been a feature that was neglected by the community. Just look at the feebleness of the documentation.
This thread is the first that a large number of people have started discussing the feature. A hopeful sign for progress, I dare to hope.
The engine can already read ZIPs, so it's logical that - at some point - the triggering of a MediaPack-header-field in the map just loaded, could be, that the engine does a HTTP-get (like the old masterserver retrieval) and thus downloads the mediapack. Then an on-the-fly unpacking and putting into the game-home-dir; running the package-config .. e voila .. you have the required media for the map.
For now it's a tedious job of extracting URL(s) from your log and then getting each one, for an instant download of the package - the engine gives you HOST?PACKAGE-ID=%d-urls - where these have individual entries for hoster-information (read: the URL where the file actually lies .. each package can come from one totally individual URL).
Anyway - what this really calls for now - IMHO - is to make the wiki-documentation clear & concise about how one would go about all this stuff.
I'd like to take questions - what are you unclear about, or see that others might find cumbersome.
State them here, I'll try to explain - if it works for you (read: G4W! (good for wiki!)) - then the wiki-team will have reference material to improve, improve, improve the documentation.
But since there's has only ever been one big map-MediaPack ..
.. the tool and code currently haven't progressed anymore towards optimum user-friendliness since it's been a feature that was neglected by the community. Just look at the feebleness of the documentation.
This thread is the first that a large number of people have started discussing the feature. A hopeful sign for progress, I dare to hope.
The engine can already read ZIPs, so it's logical that - at some point - the triggering of a MediaPack-header-field in the map just loaded, could be, that the engine does a HTTP-get (like the old masterserver retrieval) and thus downloads the mediapack. Then an on-the-fly unpacking and putting into the game-home-dir; running the package-config .. e voila .. you have the required media for the map.
For now it's a tedious job of extracting URL(s) from your log and then getting each one, for an instant download of the package - the engine gives you HOST?PACKAGE-ID=%d-urls - where these have individual entries for hoster-information (read: the URL where the file actually lies .. each package can come from one totally individual URL).
Anyway - what this really calls for now - IMHO - is to make the wiki-documentation clear & concise about how one would go about all this stuff.
I'd like to take questions - what are you unclear about, or see that others might find cumbersome.
State them here, I'll try to explain - if it works for you (read: G4W! (good for wiki!)) - then the wiki-team will have reference material to improve, improve, improve the documentation.