25 Jun 11, 10:07AM
<Bukz> you're just butthurt because more of your maps are not official
<Bukz> is this a dick measuring contest? or are you gonna be a man and answer the fucking question? lol
<Bukz> butthurt much?
<Bukz> or just jelly
<Bukz> eat shit dude
<Bukz> you'd have more officials if you were not such a cock
<Bukz> you show respect to a select few who you like having bumsex with
<Bukz> you're a fucking troll undead
<Undead> gemas for life
<Undead> ever played one?
<Bukz> nah
<Bukz> because it's fucking retarded
<Bukz> this is my e-peen
<Bukz> it's biggr than urs
<Bukz> because people that play matches are morons
<Bukz> theres more to this game than youre pretentious bullshit ;)
<Bukz> eat shit
<Bukz> again
<Bukz> i'm off to play L4D because I don't have to bother with idiots like yourself
<Bukz> peace