Clan Sites
(22 Jun 11, 10:57PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Uh, I don't recommend using webs if you're in the need of a website for a clan. Most clan websites have a forum, where a main part of the communication within the clan takes place. From the millions of free clan site providers, I have experience with and as being good and reliable sites to create your clan website, but I'm sure there are more.

What some people do though, is add an individual site that has nothing to do with forums and set it as their main page (the clan information and news are most of the times here) and once the visitor clicks on the "Forums" tab they are taken to the freeforums/forumotion page. I afraid I don't have enough experience with these "main page" sites, so hopefully can help you with that if you're interested.

Thanks, I have used forumotion a lot before, and I do like it. I might just do that then... :D
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Messages In This Thread
Clan Sites - by Spyder - 22 Jun 11, 10:38PM
RE: Clan Sites - by Hellspell - 22 Jun 11, 10:42PM
RE: Clan Sites - by #M|A#Wolf - 22 Jun 11, 10:57PM
RE: Clan Sites - by Spyder - 22 Jun 11, 11:04PM
RE: Clan Sites - by Mai Mee Tur - 22 Jun 11, 11:48PM
RE: Clan Sites - by Spyder - 23 Jun 11, 06:39AM
RE: Clan Sites - by #M|A#Wolf - 23 Jun 11, 10:24PM
RE: Clan Sites - by Spyder - 23 Jun 11, 10:27PM
RE: Clan Sites - by Andrez - 23 Jun 11, 10:34PM