Quote:So the other 40 000 registered nicknames on the ladder is just an illusion to you?
Exactly nicknames .. One person can have 1000 nicknames .. and on this ladder are players which are on your blacklist (so can't play on your servers:])For exemple me, m@c and lots other .. on this ladder are players from banned clan like TaS_ Legacy |BME| and other .. (Until recently was there oNe and w00p).
You should refresh it and remove Banned clans and players ..
pwnage If you are here ..I have some questions for you ..
1.Sepehr and P@nicow they were removed from your blacklist if they are clean is ok ... but i don't think so ... I know your blacklist your servers and you can doing what you want ..
But say me i'm worse than sepeher and panicow ? if yes ? why ? because i'm from Poland ? or what ? (I don't know you and i won't calling you racialist or something like that ..) but i want know where is the problem .
2.Why the most popular cheater waag* from uRs clan is still free ?