17 Jun 11, 10:46PM
17:41 <lazy3ye> how do i put in your name instead of typing it?
17:41 <lazy3ye> tlike is there a shortcut?
17:41 <Nukpwr> type the firs two letters
17:41 <Nukpwr> then preess TAB
17:41 <lazy3ye> Nukpwr: whats up!
17:41 <lazy3ye> sweet =D
17:41 <lazy3ye> any more shortcuts or things i should know?
17:41 <Nukpwr> lol
17:41 <Nukpwr> mmm
17:42 <Nukpwr> "part
17:42 <lazy3ye> "part
17:42 <lazy3ye> ?
17:42 <Nukpwr> "/part #=SA="
17:42 <Nukpwr> Lol
17:42 <Nukpwr> without qoutes
17:42 *** lazy3ye left #=SA= (=SA=) [email protected]
17:42 <Nukpwr> xD
17:42 *** lazy3ye joined #=SA= [email protected]
17:42 +++ ChanServ has given voice to lazy3ye
17:42 <Nukpwr> xD
17:41 <lazy3ye> tlike is there a shortcut?
17:41 <Nukpwr> type the firs two letters
17:41 <Nukpwr> then preess TAB
17:41 <lazy3ye> Nukpwr: whats up!
17:41 <lazy3ye> sweet =D
17:41 <lazy3ye> any more shortcuts or things i should know?
17:41 <Nukpwr> lol
17:41 <Nukpwr> mmm
17:42 <Nukpwr> "part
17:42 <lazy3ye> "part
17:42 <lazy3ye> ?
17:42 <Nukpwr> "/part #=SA="
17:42 <Nukpwr> Lol
17:42 <Nukpwr> without qoutes
17:42 *** lazy3ye left #=SA= (=SA=) [email protected]
17:42 <Nukpwr> xD
17:42 *** lazy3ye joined #=SA= [email protected]
17:42 +++ ChanServ has given voice to lazy3ye
17:42 <Nukpwr> xD