About current politics owners servers and developers
you parse game to states and define only valid states. The state consists of public parameters and local parameters. You must create relations among parameters which will be used for checking legality of state. Transition between 2 states can also be defined and checked.

Next important is to collect inputs and outputs. The game is in this situation as blackbox. This is about mapping two inputs onto two outputs and how to detect additional signal.

It was descriptive solution, you prepared possible structure with mappings. Next is behaviroal, you create some representation of environment (function) and send additional informations among clients.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: About current politics owners servers and developers - by Alien - 17 Jun 11, 04:25PM
RE: About current politics owners servers and developers - by HellJanitorIsHispanic - 19 Jun 11, 10:11AM
RE: About current politics owners servers and developers - by HellJanitorIsHispanic - 21 Jun 11, 08:33AM