(12 Jun 11, 03:09PM)Shorty Wrote: GG's i win. 22-23
haha, looooool.
As I told you in chat, fair play is important in the game. When i see u at the start of the round not to move and although i have the chance to slash you and get 2 frags but i DONT, i just stop and try to type something to see if you are afk you CANT turn around and slash me. But lets say u didnt get it at the moment. After that? U see yr rival unexpectedly stopped playin and u slashed him with him not even moving and no questions come up to your little head? U just continue camping at ac_elevation u picked for lss (!?!)? And then u see that i ve stopped and tell u that u should at least tell u are sorry and u throw me a nade when the game is stopped? Do u even KNOW what is fair play? :D
These are some new rules for the challenge (i ll write them at the first post too):
- DONT camp. ffs we are playing lss not [t]osok.
- Play fairly [ link ]. That means that if your opponent doesnt move for x, y reason and seems afk U DONT approach and slash him.
- Pick maps in order to enjoy the game, not destroy it!
- I may deny to play against someone if for some reason I suspect he is not gonna play for fun but only to rape the game in order to defeat me.
If someone doesn't follow the above rules (I will be the one to judge of that as I am the one who openly challenges) he will not get in the list of the players I faced. Also it is possible if I am sure about someone's disobayin to the rules to just end the game there like it never happened. That's all from me for now.
PS. Zodiac? u win? When did we play?