21 Jun 10, 09:01PM
Okay so for some reason when I joined a server the sniper rifle's zoom sensitivity was hacked so it was the dollar sign with a word in front of it instead of the usual number I had. It must have made the sensitivity really low because when I scoped I couldn't move it at all. I left the server and changed it back to 1 but then the keybind for zooming got erased. I tried to change it back to what I had before, which was right clicking, but it wouldn't change back to that. When I clicked the mouse the menu just went back one page. So eventually I gave up with trying to get that to work and just set it to clicking the wheel, or Mouse 3, and it stayed there. The only problem is, when I click the mouse wheel, nothing happens even though the keybind stays. I think the server might have changed something because I've never had a problem binding right click to things before in AC. Can anyone please help? I have no clue what to do!