25 Apr 11, 01:50AM
V-Man people haven't listened to me since day 1. I am not throwing mud. I am instead hurling snowballs at a misguided shimmy. What his ilk and everyone else here doesn't understand is that I grew up on whipping out the varied forms of awesomeness. My style is one of focus. One of a form of a hatred purified into a tunnelistic goal. I attack people because if I don't then who will? If they can't defend their arguments against a true blue shimmy then how are they going to defend themselves against the likes of frit0, Getty or Carglass? Thickening the hide is what I do and no one will stop me. You want a lovey dovey game with agreement all around? Cool. I'm here to give you one that is man enough to stand up for it's awesomeness and demand it be taken seriously. Two sides of the same coin? Perhaps... but a true fucking patriot? ALWAYS.