The "kick" command requires an integer describing the client number -- not the player name.
Entering the player name, if it is strictly a string (such as "/kick V-Man"), causes the game to interpret the argument as 0 instead of the actual player you intended. Thus, whoever has cn 0 is more prone to accidental kick than everyone else. XD
Using tools.cfg, you can make a script that takes either a player name or the integer client number (and this is foiled by players with integers for names, in which case you'll want to kick based on client number).
or, if you prefer a more foolproof version,
The second one won't do anything at all if you misspell the player's name.
The "kick" command requires an integer describing the client number -- not the player name.
Entering the player name, if it is strictly a string (such as "/kick V-Man"), causes the game to interpret the argument as 0 instead of the actual player you intended. Thus, whoever has cn 0 is more prone to accidental kick than everyone else. XD
Using tools.cfg, you can make a script that takes either a player name or the integer client number (and this is foiled by players with integers for names, in which case you'll want to kick based on client number).
alias kick_ [if (strstr (validcnumlist) $arg1) [kick $arg1] [kick (findcn $arg1)]]
alias kick_ [if (isint $arg1) [kick $arg1] [
loop i (listlen (validcnumlist)) [
if (strcmp (findpn (at (validcnumlist) $i)) $arg1) [kick (findcn $arg1)] []]]]