full name of clan:Only3
Clan Tag:O3|,|OnLy3|
Date your clan was made: 22-02-2010
Website: www.only3.tk
IRC: http://only3.tk/irc.php
Contact: [email protected]
Screenshots of a 3x3 clan match: http://only3.tk/wars.php
Basic clan info: Run, hide or die!!!
Founders of your clan: O3|Marreira, O3|Nocu
Current leaders of your clan: O3|Bench.
Current number of members: 4, [O3|Sick., O3|Infect, O3|Bench., O3|Spartan´]
Clan Tag:O3|,|OnLy3|
Date your clan was made: 22-02-2010
Website: www.only3.tk
IRC: http://only3.tk/irc.php
Contact: [email protected]
Screenshots of a 3x3 clan match: http://only3.tk/wars.php
Basic clan info: Run, hide or die!!!
Founders of your clan: O3|Marreira, O3|Nocu
Current leaders of your clan: O3|Bench.
Current number of members: 4, [O3|Sick., O3|Infect, O3|Bench., O3|Spartan´]