Introducing AC|Kobalt!, and AC|Rubie!
I have decided to start contributing in the community, with a couple servers, with an almost fully custom maprot.

AC|Kobalt! Is going to be up a lot, but not 24/7

AC|Rubie! Is the same

Please note, the AC| in front of the name, is to show that they are contributions, as a good maprot.

I may add a few more servers, and possible a couple match servers, if I, or some of my admins see fit.

Changes in the maprot, or the servers themselves, will continue, if I get any suggestions, problems, or issues.

You can contact me here, in-game, or at [email protected] for further info.

In the meantime, Enjoy the servers.
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
Introducing AC|Kobalt!, and AC|Rubie! - by Duckett - 21 Apr 11, 04:14AM