18 Jul 10, 12:33PM
-- and
Good and bad map recorder. While on a map you can type /love, /hate or /ind to record your thoughts of the map. To play back all maps you have recorded type /maps. Currently unable to tell if you have put in the map before. If for some reason you want to use this, type /clearmaps ingame once after installing.
//-- map love/hate/IDC script, after installing make sure to type /clearmaps ingame
//-- by R4zor
maps = [echo 2~ Your thoughts on maps you have been on ~; if (> (listlen $mapthoughts) 0) [mapthoughts] [echo none! - type /love /hate or /ind on a map to try this!]; echo 2~ end]
hate = [mapslisted = (concat $mapslisted (curmap)); mapthoughts = (concat $mapthoughts echo (concatword 3 (curmap)) 5is a map I "hate;"); echo map (curmap) added as 3hated]
love = [mapslisted = (concat $mapslisted (curmap)); mapthoughts = (concat $mapthoughts echo (concatword 0 (curmap)) 5is a map I "love;"); echo map (curmap) added as 0loved]
ind = [mapslisted = (concat $mapslisted (curmap)); mapthoughts = (concat $mapthoughts echo (concatword 4 (curmap)) 5is a map I don't give a %&#@ "about;"); echo map (curmap) added as 4indifferent]
clearmaps = [mapthoughts = ; mapslisted = ]
docsection [Custom]
docident [clearmaps] [3WARNING!5 This will delete all stored map thoughts!]
docident [hate] [Stores the current map as 3hated.]
docident [love] [Stores the current map as 0loved.]
docident [ind] [Stores the current map as 4indifferent.]
docident [maps] [Lists all recorded thoughts about maps.]