alias stbots [
numbots = $arg1; skillbots = $arg2; teambots = (div $numbots 2)
if (= (curteam 0)) [claplayer = 1; rvsfplayer = 0] [rvsfplayer = 1; claplayer = 0]
addnbot (- $teambots $rvsfplayer) RVSF $skillbots; addnbot (- $teambots $claplayer) CLA $skillbots
Auto-create bots script for AC 1.0.4 by DES|Bukz (debug help from R4zor)
Typing /stbots 10 bad while in a bot compatible TEAM mode will fill the map with 9 other bots and assign their teams evenly (4 for your team - 5 for the other).
Some optional in-game documentation stuff you could add to your autoexec.cfg or docs.cfg:
docsection [Misc]
docident [stbots] [Adds multiple bots to a map.];
docremark [Automatically adds the specified number of bots to the map, and assign their teams evenly.];
docargument [N] [Total number of bots to add.] [] [0];
docargument [S] [Skill level of the bots. (best, good, medium, worse OR bad)] [] [0];
docexample [stbots 10 bad] [Result: 4 bots assigned to your team, 5 bots assigned to the enemy team.];
Screeny of the in-game docs:
Enjoy! :)