(18 Jul 10, 03:56AM)François Wrote: acp is pitiable to him, he'll always use this tag to hack, anyway there is already a lot of acp who hacks, this week he gave 2 cheats to some acp and val already cheated, he told them that they wanted to be clever and now they cry
it isn't his ip, he got 50 like that, there is no solution to this
(translating for you, with his bad gramar, online translators are going to fail)
Woaaa this is awesome !!! this guy is reallly mad about our team right? (tks Francois for the translation.;) ) (je reve de choper son adresse, la vraie.. celle qui pourrait lui enlever pleins de petite dents tout partout son appareil dentaire)
It's a good example for others teams too : What should we do to be protected about guy like him? Because it could happen to lots of team. We will probably have to wait a while before this retarded finally get a life...
Do you guys know anything about real no-cheat servers??? I wish they will be fonctional in the Futur... I wish they will.... I've never Cheated in my ac life and I am really tired today. I can stop playing Ac, but My team (AcP) is a nice place to be, with nice people in here.. it just drives me sad that a 13 years old kid (who can finally have a efficient power) destroying it....
(18 Jul 10, 04:48AM)lol2 Wrote: bon écoute francois déjà ton prénom tas pa eux de chance mdr et c'est vrais que quand on voi ton prénom on peux au moin te donner une bonne caliter tu sais parler anglais =), au lieu de passer ton temp sur un jeux gratuit tu devrait aller plus souvent a l'ecol mais tu et surement handicapé
ecoute mon vieux... ne parle pas d'aller a l'ecole quand on voit ton orthographe... tu sais a peine parler francais. (lol2=93.182...)