Post a screenshot of what you are doing (modding related).
Can someone rescale this so that the dimensions are powers of 2? Preferrably 512x512 - quite enough detail imho; 640x400 uses less than 49% of 1024x512 it has to be mounted on, which apart from the waste of video memory (enough for two 256x256 textures), is also a fairly noticeable hit on lower end graphics cads/chipsets, especially close up (the double whammy of high res rasterisation and high res texture). Yes I realise aspect ratio would be changed but I don't see that being a significant (or even noticeable) issue, especially compared to ye oldde 320x200.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Post a screenshot of what you are doing (modding related). - by GeneralDisarray - 29 Mar 11, 11:44PM