28 Mar 11, 10:34AM
A better guide, learn the pathways, and your opponents.
I like to die for the first couple rounds, and learn how someone plays, how their mind works:
a) They are really focused and competitive.
b) They aren't very focused but are trying to be competitive.
c) Newbs (notice my spelling)
Point A
These guys are easy to spot, especially in spectator mode. They jump round corners, or strafe. mostly have a high sensitivity for looking behind them, a high fov and can no scope head shot in an instant. They /think/ they know how you work but you can fake them. Take one route, stop, double back and then stay for about 5 seconds. Double back again and you should be behind them.
Point B
These guys are getting there. They have learnt the tricks but haven't mastered them yet. They will normally try and get into the mindset of their adversary but think in the opposite way, if you know how. To fake these guys, head one way and die. Repeat twice, then head around the back. Then go the first way again. Wash, rinse, repeat. Change it up every round and screw them over. You could even jump one way and then hide around a corner with a knife. ;)
Point C
Notice my spelling here. These guys are new and have a low sensitivity, low fov and don't know the tricks. Easy gibs all round. To fake 'em, just head round the back of them, most don't watch their backs.
I like to die for the first couple rounds, and learn how someone plays, how their mind works:
a) They are really focused and competitive.
b) They aren't very focused but are trying to be competitive.
c) Newbs (notice my spelling)
Point A
These guys are easy to spot, especially in spectator mode. They jump round corners, or strafe. mostly have a high sensitivity for looking behind them, a high fov and can no scope head shot in an instant. They /think/ they know how you work but you can fake them. Take one route, stop, double back and then stay for about 5 seconds. Double back again and you should be behind them.
Point B
These guys are getting there. They have learnt the tricks but haven't mastered them yet. They will normally try and get into the mindset of their adversary but think in the opposite way, if you know how. To fake these guys, head one way and die. Repeat twice, then head around the back. Then go the first way again. Wash, rinse, repeat. Change it up every round and screw them over. You could even jump one way and then hide around a corner with a knife. ;)
Point C
Notice my spelling here. These guys are new and have a low sensitivity, low fov and don't know the tricks. Easy gibs all round. To fake 'em, just head round the back of them, most don't watch their backs.