Servers banned from Master Server
Servers will be banned from reporting to the Master Server if:
1. they have gameplay-affecting modifications (without using a modified protocol), and/or
2. they use unvaried map rotations, and/or
3. they are noted by multiple AC forum users as being undesirable in some way, eg. constant offensiveness/abuse by admins, and/or
4. they have bad quality maps in maprot, [especially] when they are significant part in maprot, like: camper series, twintowers series, headshotcity series, kitchenzz (last update 25.10.2015).
5. Other rules:

!reset is a gameplay affecting command; it allows the user to respawn immediately, contrary to the respawn times in individual modes.

The following servers have been removed (period since 09.2015, last update by grenadier: 28.02.2018):
17. The Winking Skeever *T/OSOK*, low quality maps in maprot, ban date: 28.02.2018
16. Mr_TOSOKO, low quality maps in maprot, ban date: 07.12.2017
15. Apollo Cube (NL), single map in maprot, ban date: 28.11.2017
14. MiDNiGHT MiST, low quality maps in maprot, ban date: 06.11.2017
13. ASS PUNISHERS, low quality maps in maprot, ban date: 26.02.2017
12. Gema Central v3.0, nazi map in maprot, ban date: 19.02.2017
11. Camper 24x7 servers, camper maps in maprot, ban date: 12.08.2016
10. BUJAKA BUJAKA Camper Map TDM, camper maps in maprot, ban date: 25.06.2016
9. ARIA servers, many low quality maps, ban date: 25.06.2016
8. p4's servers; single map in maprot: TwinTowers_2013_Patched; ban date: 15.11.2015
7. |UF|GameRoom_CTF; many low quality maps; ban date: 11.11.2015; affects also 2 other UF servers
6. Apocalypse; low quality maps (see below); ban date: 03.11.2015
5. German TOSOK/OSOK Server, 2 maps in maprot, ban date: 21.10.2015
4. vM Gema Server, single maprot: KK_Gema_1.2, ban date: 11.10.2015, affects also ".vM Server 1" - the same IP
3. ***** , single maprot: ac_douze, advertising in the server name, ban date: 06.10.2015
2. --==[[ Free For All ]]==-- , reason: single map maprot: SWAT_silent_day_2.4, ban date: 06.10.2015
1. JaPanFreeNarakuB1Servercamper- , reason: single map maprot: camper-minecraft-edition; ban date: 25.09.2015

The following servers are threatened by banning for maprot with bad quality maps; they will be banned then, if server owners won't change their maprot (in the brackets is given time to change):
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Messages In This Thread
Servers banned from Master Server - by jamz - 27 Mar 11, 12:17AM