21 Mar 11, 09:02PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK PJ just measures how many packets were lost and therefore had to be resent.
Again AFAIK, all message types except PING and PONG are sent using reliable packets.
http://enet.bespin.org/Features.html Wrote:ENet provides sequencing for all packets by assigning to each sent packet a sequence number that is incremented as packets are sent. ENet guarentees that no packet with a higher sequence number will be delivered before a packet with a lower sequence number, thus ensuring packets are delivered exactly in the order they are sent...and...
http://enet.bespin.org/Tutorial.html Wrote:ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE specifies that the packet must use reliable delivery. A reliable packet is guarenteed to be delivered, and a number of retry attempts will be made until an acknowledgement is received from the foreign host the packet is sent to. If a certain number of retry attempts is reached without any acknowledgement, ENet will assume the peer has disconnected and forcefully reset the connection. If this flag is not specified, the packet is assumed an unreliable packet, and no retry attempts will be made nor acknowledgements generated.
Again AFAIK, all message types except PING and PONG are sent using reliable packets.