18 Mar 11, 09:41AM
(This post was last modified: 18 Mar 11, 10:05AM by BarricadeX75.)
cd-axis = 0
computer-desktop = [
if (= $editing 1) [
newent mapmodel 71;
sleep 100 [newent mapmodel 65 3]
if (= $cd-axis 0) [
sleep 200 [newent clip 0 2 4 3]; echo "3X4-axis"] [sleep 200 [newent clip 0 4 2 3]; echo "3Y4-axis"]
] [echo "3Not editing"]
docsection [Computer Desktop]
docident [computer-desktop] [Generates a computer on a desktop, depending the axis (for the clip).];
docremark [See cd-axis for more info];
docident [cd-axis] [Determines the axis for computer-desktop.];
docargument [X] [= 0 or = 1 | 0 : X-axis | 1 : Y-axis] [] [0];
Generates a computer on a desktop, with clip depending of the axis. Useful for mapping =D
Note : You have to put
/cd-axis = 0(or 1)
in the console to change the axis.