Simple editing binds creator w/ examples...
Example usage:
If you don't plan on having any actions for either of the final two arugments, you should still provide a empty set of brackets to indicate to the script that you want it to "do nothing" in that case.
Do plan on beefing this one up and making it more user-friendly in the near future, planning on trying to make optional "high-level" keywords to replace cubescript's daunting syntax and command naming conventions/arguments/w/e, maybe will throw in some menus as well. :)
For now most users that are comfortable with cubescript should be able to work well with this "skeleton".
That's right Gibbeh, format4life. \:D
Example usage:
/editbind KEY [code block to be executed if in edit mode] [code block to be executed if not]
/editbind K [corner] [echo I have (at (pstat_score (findcn $curname)) 1) kills!] // Creates a corner out of the current selection if in editmode, else outputs your current number of kills (frags)...
If you don't plan on having any actions for either of the final two arugments, you should still provide a empty set of brackets to indicate to the script that you want it to "do nothing" in that case.
Do plan on beefing this one up and making it more user-friendly in the near future, planning on trying to make optional "high-level" keywords to replace cubescript's daunting syntax and command naming conventions/arguments/w/e, maybe will throw in some menus as well. :)
For now most users that are comfortable with cubescript should be able to work well with this "skeleton".
That's right Gibbeh, format4life. \:D