i would post the code, but i got rid of it cause it conflicted with my multixhair. I will try to remember the changes i made, but i am on windows, and was not receiving any fatal errors or anything.
I tested this, and i'm pretty sure it is working the same way it was before. It is certainly working without errors.
// nadetimer by V-Man (bastardized by Lantry)
// Displays a countdown timer each time you pull out a nade.
// Requires tools.cfg and the packaged png files.
alias prevxhair [default.png] // Put your preferred crosshair path in here.
alias nadetimer [if (= (curweapon) 8) [
alias prevxhairsz $crosshairsize
crosshairsize 50
if (checkalias xhairstop) [xhairstop] []
sloop nt 19 100 [loadcrosshair (concatword "nadetimer\nt_" (+ (* $nt -1) 18) ".png")]
sleep 2500 [loadcrosshair $prevxhair; crosshairsize $prevxhairsz]] []]
altaction_8 [nadetimer]