14 Mar 11, 07:20AM
@Mikey, see, that is a great idea. No, a fantastic idea.
I would also like more weapons.
I think there are limitations to how many weapons there should be, but there is definitely room to experiment. Some kind of beam weapon. Something that one-shots(?), but takes a second to charge up. Even a Gatling gun would work, as the rotary barrels need time to get up to speed. That would give some time for the other players to start defending themselves, because once that thing got going, it would need to decimate anything in it's way. Some new kinds of melee weapon. Around the same damage as a knife, but not so ordinary. Knuckledusters, some kind of finger armor, maybe. Hell, a baseball bat. ('You got struck out by CallMeChaotic'. Ha.) There should definitely be more than one kind of pistol. Maybe three? The one we have now, a DEagle, and something weird. Smoke grenades might be possible. Toss one, and a room fills with the fog effect. Also, flashbangs could work. After it explodes, a white overlay image covers the screen, as well as hearing that ringing sound, and after a few seconds, they both fade away (so many comas. >.>). Damage would be minimal to none. The sniper is fine, but give it a variable zoom. I think this feature needs to be coded into the source, because every CubeScript implementation I've tried has failed.
Player models. WE NEED FEMALE PLAYER MODELS. For several reasons. The main one being, while most AC players are male, there are girls who play. Adding female player models might even get more people to play it. Also, what's more fun than watching someone get owned by a girl? Other than killing one, of course. :D The models would have to be realistic as far as body proportions go. Make them obviously female, but reasonable. I don't mean to be offensive, but honestly, how many soldiers have you seen with double D's (Again, making a point, not trying to piss anyone off)? As for the player skins, I feel they would need to be similar to the existing ones. Same uniforms, just tailored to fit the new character.
As well as the addition of the female models, I feel the originals need to be updated. They seem a little thick to me, the skins too rough. The models need to be streamlined, I think, and the skins should be more modern.
As far as game modes, there are already a lot of great ideas, so if I repeat any please disregard them. I'll also give my take on a few I know to have been stated.
Search and Destroy: Teams spawn on opposite sides of the map. One team has an objective, to find and 'destroy' the teams base (this can go two ways on the development side: 1.) Destroy simply means find and keep the enemy teams flag for 60 seconds. or 2.) Create a satchel charge weapon model and have the Search team plant it to win.). The other team must kill the Search team. The game ends either when the enemy's base is destroyed, or when the entire Search team is killed.
Sticks And Stones: Deathmatch with only melee weapons.
Smear The Queer (Queer is used in a jesting manner. It is not in any way used intentionally to offend anyone. It just rhymes.): One guy against, say, sixteen? When the 'Queer' gets 'smeared', someone is instantly marked as the new one. I little image would popup on screen, something like RUN!! Maybe a five second delay until the collective is notified. The killed player is then part of the collective. When the queer kills a member of the collective, the killed member is switched to spectator mode. The game ends either when the time limit's up, or the last of the group is killed. If the first queer isn't killed, he gets a tag in front of his name on score lists, like a badge of sorts. If the first queer kills the entirety of the collective, he gets an even shinier badge. :D Maps for this mode would be large, an eight maybe, and with lots of nooks and crannies to hide in. Things like those glitchy false walls would be out of the question.
King of the Hill: Only knives, with a sniper rifle pickup on the top of a large hill or building, something elevated. When the person with the rifle dies, the next person to pick it up is the king. And so on. The person who defends it the longest in the fifteen minute time limit wins. Note: The rifle can be swapped for any other weapon.
Zombie Survival Mode (YUSS!): A small group of players, I think four should suffice, against up to 28 undead soldiers. The Zombies only have knives, but full armor and more than average health, say 2x? The Survivors have access to any weapon, but no available armor, and must put two bullets in a Zombies' head to warrant a kill. The game ends when, all Survivors are dead, or when the Survivors reach their base. Because of the nature of the mode, maps will need to be large, but confined, with low ceilings and large areas far and few between. Size eight may have to be considered small for the map, as the goal would be to make the journey to the safe zone as difficult as possible. Difficult, does not mean impossible. No dead ends, no impossible jumps, areas need to be easily accessible. Rifle jumping is out, as such small areas will not allow it, as well as most situations making it impossible to do it in time.
Manhunt: Two teams, one slightly outnumbered, and armed only with knives. The other armed with Carbines and 25 armor. The goal of the Hunted is to survive until time runs out. While killing the Hunters is difficult, it would be possible,and several badges should be offered, such as one for a single kill, another for five, and so on, until you get the ultimate badge for the mode, which you must kill all of the Hunters for. The maps for this wouldn't necessarily need to be large. The only necessity for Manhunt maps would be hiding places and jumping spots, areas to jump off and use to backtrack and escape a pursuer. Basically, staircases to nowhere. The game ends when the time is up, the Hunted are all dead, or, God willing, the Hunters are all dead.
Weird stuff time!
I want teleporters, dangummit!
If there were, there could be a wider variety of maps that could be made.
I for one would love to see a space themed map.
Like a spaceship's interior.
Something different, not so realistic.
Damage Areas/Killzones
Areas of a map that cause damage or instantly kill you when you pass through them.
Spike pits, acid baths, rivers of lava, laser walls, any of those things could enhance gameplay a great deal.
Animated mapmodels
Things like searchlights, fans, people even, could greatly enhance the atmosphere on maps.
Non-Player enemies
Turrets, traps, stuff like that.
Alright. That's pretty much it. If it's ignorant, try not to kill me, and if it's offensive, I apologize, I really don't mean to offend anyone.
So yeah.
I would also like more weapons.
I think there are limitations to how many weapons there should be, but there is definitely room to experiment. Some kind of beam weapon. Something that one-shots(?), but takes a second to charge up. Even a Gatling gun would work, as the rotary barrels need time to get up to speed. That would give some time for the other players to start defending themselves, because once that thing got going, it would need to decimate anything in it's way. Some new kinds of melee weapon. Around the same damage as a knife, but not so ordinary. Knuckledusters, some kind of finger armor, maybe. Hell, a baseball bat. ('You got struck out by CallMeChaotic'. Ha.) There should definitely be more than one kind of pistol. Maybe three? The one we have now, a DEagle, and something weird. Smoke grenades might be possible. Toss one, and a room fills with the fog effect. Also, flashbangs could work. After it explodes, a white overlay image covers the screen, as well as hearing that ringing sound, and after a few seconds, they both fade away (so many comas. >.>). Damage would be minimal to none. The sniper is fine, but give it a variable zoom. I think this feature needs to be coded into the source, because every CubeScript implementation I've tried has failed.
Player models. WE NEED FEMALE PLAYER MODELS. For several reasons. The main one being, while most AC players are male, there are girls who play. Adding female player models might even get more people to play it. Also, what's more fun than watching someone get owned by a girl? Other than killing one, of course. :D The models would have to be realistic as far as body proportions go. Make them obviously female, but reasonable. I don't mean to be offensive, but honestly, how many soldiers have you seen with double D's (Again, making a point, not trying to piss anyone off)? As for the player skins, I feel they would need to be similar to the existing ones. Same uniforms, just tailored to fit the new character.
As well as the addition of the female models, I feel the originals need to be updated. They seem a little thick to me, the skins too rough. The models need to be streamlined, I think, and the skins should be more modern.
As far as game modes, there are already a lot of great ideas, so if I repeat any please disregard them. I'll also give my take on a few I know to have been stated.
Search and Destroy: Teams spawn on opposite sides of the map. One team has an objective, to find and 'destroy' the teams base (this can go two ways on the development side: 1.) Destroy simply means find and keep the enemy teams flag for 60 seconds. or 2.) Create a satchel charge weapon model and have the Search team plant it to win.). The other team must kill the Search team. The game ends either when the enemy's base is destroyed, or when the entire Search team is killed.
Sticks And Stones: Deathmatch with only melee weapons.
Smear The Queer (Queer is used in a jesting manner. It is not in any way used intentionally to offend anyone. It just rhymes.): One guy against, say, sixteen? When the 'Queer' gets 'smeared', someone is instantly marked as the new one. I little image would popup on screen, something like RUN!! Maybe a five second delay until the collective is notified. The killed player is then part of the collective. When the queer kills a member of the collective, the killed member is switched to spectator mode. The game ends either when the time limit's up, or the last of the group is killed. If the first queer isn't killed, he gets a tag in front of his name on score lists, like a badge of sorts. If the first queer kills the entirety of the collective, he gets an even shinier badge. :D Maps for this mode would be large, an eight maybe, and with lots of nooks and crannies to hide in. Things like those glitchy false walls would be out of the question.
King of the Hill: Only knives, with a sniper rifle pickup on the top of a large hill or building, something elevated. When the person with the rifle dies, the next person to pick it up is the king. And so on. The person who defends it the longest in the fifteen minute time limit wins. Note: The rifle can be swapped for any other weapon.
Zombie Survival Mode (YUSS!): A small group of players, I think four should suffice, against up to 28 undead soldiers. The Zombies only have knives, but full armor and more than average health, say 2x? The Survivors have access to any weapon, but no available armor, and must put two bullets in a Zombies' head to warrant a kill. The game ends when, all Survivors are dead, or when the Survivors reach their base. Because of the nature of the mode, maps will need to be large, but confined, with low ceilings and large areas far and few between. Size eight may have to be considered small for the map, as the goal would be to make the journey to the safe zone as difficult as possible. Difficult, does not mean impossible. No dead ends, no impossible jumps, areas need to be easily accessible. Rifle jumping is out, as such small areas will not allow it, as well as most situations making it impossible to do it in time.
Manhunt: Two teams, one slightly outnumbered, and armed only with knives. The other armed with Carbines and 25 armor. The goal of the Hunted is to survive until time runs out. While killing the Hunters is difficult, it would be possible,and several badges should be offered, such as one for a single kill, another for five, and so on, until you get the ultimate badge for the mode, which you must kill all of the Hunters for. The maps for this wouldn't necessarily need to be large. The only necessity for Manhunt maps would be hiding places and jumping spots, areas to jump off and use to backtrack and escape a pursuer. Basically, staircases to nowhere. The game ends when the time is up, the Hunted are all dead, or, God willing, the Hunters are all dead.
Weird stuff time!
I want teleporters, dangummit!
If there were, there could be a wider variety of maps that could be made.
I for one would love to see a space themed map.
Like a spaceship's interior.
Something different, not so realistic.
Damage Areas/Killzones
Areas of a map that cause damage or instantly kill you when you pass through them.
Spike pits, acid baths, rivers of lava, laser walls, any of those things could enhance gameplay a great deal.
Animated mapmodels
Things like searchlights, fans, people even, could greatly enhance the atmosphere on maps.
Non-Player enemies
Turrets, traps, stuff like that.
Alright. That's pretty much it. If it's ignorant, try not to kill me, and if it's offensive, I apologize, I really don't mean to offend anyone.
So yeah.