Tools update
March 8, 2011
This update to tools.cfg adds:
rrnd -- Generates a random number in a specified range.
rrndf -- Generates a random float in a specified range.
formatprec -- Rounds down a given floating-decimal number to the given number of decimal places.
stoploop -- Temporarily sets an alias to empty; the alias can then be reset using "pop" (alias name).
bloop -- A backward loop. Performs the same as "loop" but counts backward from the top (second argument).
ifbind -- Encases an already-existing keybind in an "if" statement.
concatlist -- Returns a single string (unless abused) composed of the concatenated elements of a given list.
countsound -- Registers a sound and saves its execution command in an alias to allow for multiple sound mods.
The tools have been sorted into specific sections.
The in-game documentation reflects this.
The readme file reflects this as well.
"wstr" and associated scripts have been removed due to being cruft.
"shiftsel" has been removed and will be the first script in a mapping tools config file.
"recursive" now allows meta-cubescript to define its sleep value instead of whining about it not being a number.
"if_conline_list" is now reset each game start to avoid excessive or redundant entries.
In-game additions via "add2conloop" will now be deleted on quitting, so if you want entries to stay between games, you'll need them to be in a cfg file.
March 8, 2011
This update to tools.cfg adds:
rrnd -- Generates a random number in a specified range.
rrndf -- Generates a random float in a specified range.
formatprec -- Rounds down a given floating-decimal number to the given number of decimal places.
stoploop -- Temporarily sets an alias to empty; the alias can then be reset using "pop" (alias name).
bloop -- A backward loop. Performs the same as "loop" but counts backward from the top (second argument).
ifbind -- Encases an already-existing keybind in an "if" statement.
concatlist -- Returns a single string (unless abused) composed of the concatenated elements of a given list.
countsound -- Registers a sound and saves its execution command in an alias to allow for multiple sound mods.
The tools have been sorted into specific sections.
The in-game documentation reflects this.
The readme file reflects this as well.
"wstr" and associated scripts have been removed due to being cruft.
"shiftsel" has been removed and will be the first script in a mapping tools config file.
"recursive" now allows meta-cubescript to define its sleep value instead of whining about it not being a number.
"if_conline_list" is now reset each game start to avoid excessive or redundant entries.
In-game additions via "add2conloop" will now be deleted on quitting, so if you want entries to stay between games, you'll need them to be in a cfg file.