Recent World Events
As everyone should know many uprisings and protests have been occurring not only in the Middle East, but around the world. The internet and computers have played a very special, very important role in all of these events. Whether you are for or against protests, the impact of the medium that we are so familiar with, especially those of the younger generations, has had a lasting effect on the world in its ability to spread information and ideas across the Earth. I find this a truly amazing thing. As an online "tech-savvy" computer based community I would guess that this probably strikes us a huge achievement.

My question: How do you view the use of the internet in its role in the modern world?
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Messages In This Thread
Recent World Events - by Viper - 09 Mar 11, 03:57AM
RE: Recent World Events - by Lantry - 09 Mar 11, 04:05AM
RE: Recent World Events - by Viper - 09 Mar 11, 04:08AM
RE: Recent World Events - by Lantry - 09 Mar 11, 04:24AM
RE: Recent World Events - by V-Man - 09 Mar 11, 09:16AM
RE: Recent World Events - by Ronald_Reagan - 09 Mar 11, 09:30AM
RE: Recent World Events - by spamma - 09 Mar 11, 08:21PM
RE: Recent World Events - by V-Man - 09 Mar 11, 09:04PM
RE: Recent World Events - by MorganKell - 09 Mar 11, 09:25PM
RE: Recent World Events - by jAcKRoCk* - 09 Mar 11, 09:28PM
RE: Recent World Events - by Viper - 09 Mar 11, 11:03PM
RE: Recent World Events - by Lightning - 10 Mar 11, 01:12PM
RE: Recent World Events - by Lantry - 10 Mar 11, 10:35PM
RE: Recent World Events - by FunkyHamster - 11 Mar 11, 12:17AM