// Multiple Xhairs - by VenteX
xhair_6 = "default.png" // AR
xhair_4 = "default.png" // SMG
xhair_5 = "default.png" // Sniper
xhair_3 = "default.png" // Shotgun
xhair_2 = "default.png" // Carbine
xhair_0 = "default.png" // Knife
xhair_8 = "default.png" // Nades
xhair_1 = "default.png" // Pistol
xhair_9 = "default.png" // Akimbo
alias xhairloop [ if (= (prevweapon) (curweapon)) [] [ changexhair ]; sleep 1 [ prevweapon = (curweapon) ]; sleep 2 [ xhairloop ] ]
alias changexhair [ loadcrosshair (getalias (concatword "xhair_" (curweapon))) ]
prevweapon = (curweapon); xhairloop // Start the loop!
Written on a Nintendo DSi from memory, so it's untested and I have no idea if it works, but here you go Lantry!
EDIT: Please work, oh please...