(27 Feb 11, 01:33PM)Hellspell Wrote: Anyway, some pople think im 'trollin'
and im have comer to say
it is called 'expressing the public oinion'
and im say
for those who disrespecter my spell
and y grammer.
you try being bron and raised
in zimbabwe.
and u hav shown me disrespect
because u say im '12', but u dont knowing what ejewcashunal standurds
in zimbabwe is like.
the way u have shunner me,
is one more raisin
too call it kwits.
I like public onions and raisins and all, but still, 'Im dont umderstand why u comer to trollin'. I didn't shun you, ma lord.
Edit: I've got 69 posts w00t!!!