Wanted: person with good recording voice!
Wolf: the first clip is promising, but 16 kHz isn't quite good enough, need at least 22. Also, please include 2-4 seconds of pure "silence" before and after each clip. If your uncle can manage it ;)

X-Ray_Dog: Quite decent; again, please leave a few seconds of "silence" around each clip. The recording is a bit "hot", ie the signal is saturated but nicely so, so overall am reasonably happy, but would be nice if you could record with a bit more headroom?

a_slow_old_man: I took the 1.0 voicecoms and processed them to get that kind of sound; if you care for details, they were pitched down 12.5%, very slightly pre-echoed, then run through a filter/distortion amp sim combo.

Mai Mee Tur and others who might wanna give it a go: we want decent sound quality, so preferrably 44/48 kHz. Always a few seconds of "silence" before and after each clip. Phrases should be something like "level 1 complete", "level 2 complete", "final level complete", and "achievement unlocked". Voice acting can easily feel goofy, try to project yourself into the mood of similar announcements like in Unreal Tournament: you're essentially saying "well done" and congratulating the player. Voice needn't be deep, or male for that matter ;)
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Wanted: person with good recording voice! - by GeneralDisarray - 27 Feb 11, 09:02AM