Final Version of Gema Script
To use:
/gema (mapnamehere)
when you score your first flag it will say the seconds it took you to do that map.
In addition it will save the # of seconds for that map under (mapname)_g. To view a highscore, you must type
Anyways, here's the script itself:
To use:
/gema (mapnamehere)
when you score your first flag it will say the seconds it took you to do that map.
In addition it will save the # of seconds for that map under (mapname)_g. To view a highscore, you must type
/echo (mapname)_g
Anyways, here's the script itself:
//gema script by sblargish
//thanks to bukz for helping saving of highscores
//thanks to v-man for the timer script below
delalias swst
alias stopwatch [
if (strcmp $arg1 "start") [alias swst (millis)] [
if (strcmp $arg1 "time") [if (checkalias swst) [echo (- (millis) $swst)] [stopwatch isn't running!]] [
if (strcmp $arg1 "clear") [delalias swst] []]]]
//v-man's timer script above
add2conloop [if_conline_has "you scored" [seconds (- (millis) $swst)]]
alias ghiscore [
echo That is a new HIGH SCORE!]
alias gemascores [
if (checkalias (concatword (curmap 1) _g)) [if (>= $arg1 (getalias (concatword (curmap 1) _g))) [alias (concatword (curmap 1) _g) $arg1 ; ghiscore]] [alias (concatword (curmap 1) _g) $arg1; ghiscore]
alias seconds [
blarg = (divf $arg1 1000)
scoresys $blarg]
alias scoresys [
echo You finished in $arg1 seconds on map $gmap
stopwatch score
stopwatch clear
alias gema [
stopwatch clear
ctf $arg1
gmap = $arg1
stopwatch start]