jakson, i dont agree with your "points".
1. just change the fixed delta with a dynamic one.
2. autoscopesens uses trigonometrics to find the exact parameter to scale sensitivity so that it's proportinal to the part of the scene viewed, so if u say that it's crappy it's like your saying that 2+2=22
after this i conclude by saying that when u dont like someone's work, in the OpenSource world you have 4 options:
1. leave it alone.
but if you need it:
2. use it anyway.
3. modify it.
4. make your own version.
""- ac scripts documentation is very poor.""
that is very offensive to the person's that spent hours making it...
jakson i suggest you to study Programming and Mathematics.
1. just change the fixed delta with a dynamic one.
2. autoscopesens uses trigonometrics to find the exact parameter to scale sensitivity so that it's proportinal to the part of the scene viewed, so if u say that it's crappy it's like your saying that 2+2=22
after this i conclude by saying that when u dont like someone's work, in the OpenSource world you have 4 options:
1. leave it alone.
but if you need it:
2. use it anyway.
3. modify it.
4. make your own version.
""- ac scripts documentation is very poor.""
that is very offensive to the person's that spent hours making it...
jakson i suggest you to study Programming and Mathematics.