25 Feb 11, 09:17PM
Combination select:
/addtoselection x y xs ys
/subfromselection x y xs ys
Translate the selection(Not the cubes selected but the selection box itself):
/transselect x y
Editable entity heights. Option to edit heights of all entities of one or all types.
/editheightent type adjustment[Translates by $adjustment. Leave it as 0 if setting a value for $position] position[Optional; sets height to value $position]
/addtoselection x y xs ys
/subfromselection x y xs ys
Translate the selection(Not the cubes selected but the selection box itself):
/transselect x y
Editable entity heights. Option to edit heights of all entities of one or all types.
/editheightent type adjustment[Translates by $adjustment. Leave it as 0 if setting a value for $position] position[Optional; sets height to value $position]