If you like spam, you'll love the ping script!
I also figured AC needs hotkey compatibility, with common commands and such.
// messy way for CubeScript to calculate ping by V-Man
// uh, by the way, this is not accurate. XD
ping = 0
cwatching = 0
checkinit watchingfor 0
alias on_nextconline [
cwatching = 1
watchingfor = $arg1
watchcommand = $arg2]
add2conloop [
if $cwatching [if_conline_has $watchingfor [watchcommand; cwatching = 0] []] []]
recursive findping 10000 [
if $connected [
whois (findcn $curname)
tmp_millis = (millis)
on_nextconline WHOIS [ping = (div (+ $ping (div (- (millis) $tmp_millis) 2)) 2)]] []]
addcheck_msa findping
I also figured AC needs hotkey compatibility, with common commands and such.
add2bind LCTRL [ctr = 1; onrelease [ctr = 0]]
add2bind RCTRL [ctr = 1; onrelease [ctr = 0]] // either ctrl key works
add2bind C [if $ctr [if $editing [copy] [copyconline = $cconline]] []] // copies editing selection or the latest console output!
add2bind V [if $ctr [if $editing [paste] [saycommand (getalias copyconline)]] []] // pastes editing stuff or the console copy!
add2bind A [if $ctr [if $editing [select 2 2 512 512] []] []] // Select a whole map
add2bind S [if $ctr [if $editing [if (strcmp (curmap) []) [saycommand "savemap "] [savemap]] []] []] // save the map
add2bind Z [if $ctr [if $editing [undo] []]] // Ctrl+z! Of course!
add2bind F [if $ctr [saycommand "docfind "]] // find
add2bind Q [if $ctr [quit]] // quit
add2bind P [if $ctr [screenshot]] // print XD
add2bind O [if $ctr [if $connected [showmenu Gamemode] [showmenu maps]] []] // "open"
add2conloop [if (strcmp $conline [ ]) [] [cconline = $conline]] // enables copying conline