This update of tools.cfg should do the trick. Sorry for taking so long... XD
For kicks und giggles:
A stopwatch
A vote detector (and storage unit)
A "connect" detector
For kicks und giggles:
A stopwatch
delalias swst
alias stopwatch [
if (strcmp $arg1 "start") [alias swst (millis)] [
if (strcmp $arg1 "time") [if (checkalias swst) [echo (- (millis) $swst)] [stopwatch isn't running!]] [
if (strcmp $arg1 "clear") [delalias swst] []]]]
A vote detector (and storage unit)
// votehandler -- stores the last vote in an alias, allowing you to view or re-call it -- by V-Man
alias votehandler [
if (strcmp $vote_type "load") [alias map_vote (at $conline 6); alias mode_vote (at $conline 9)] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "kick") [alias player_kbf (findcn (at $conline 6)); alias kb_reason (at $conline 8)] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "ban") [alias player_kbf (at $conline 6); alias kb_reason (at $conline 8)] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "shuffle") [] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "force") [alias player_kbf (findcn (at $conline 6))] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "set") [alias mmarg (at $conline 7)] []]
add2conloop [
if_conline_has "called a vote: " [alias vote_is_pending 1; alias who_called (at $conline 0); alias vote_type (at $conline 4); votehandler] []
if_conline_has "vote passed" [alias vote_is_pending 0] []
if_conline_has "vote failed" [alias vote_is_pending 0] []]
alias lastvote [
if (strcmp $vote_type "load") [$mode_vote $map_vote] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "kick") [kick $player_kbf $kb_reason] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "ban") [ban $player_kbf $kb_reason] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "shuffle") [callvote 12] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "force") [forceteam $player_kbf] []
if (strcmp $vote_type "set") [
if (strcmp $mmarg "open") [mastermode 0] []
if (strcmp $mmarg "private") [mastermode 1] []
if (strcmp $mmarg "match") [mastermode 2] []
] []]
TDM = tdm
DM = dm
SURV = lms
surv = lms
TSURV = ts
tsurv = ts
CTF = ctf
PF = pf
BTDM = [votemap 7 $arg1]
BDM = [votemap 8 $arg1]
LSS = lss
OSOK = osok
TOSOK = tosok
BOSOK = [votemap 12 $arg1]
HTF = htf
TKTF = tktf
KTF = ktf
vote_is_pending = 0
A "connect" detector
// cconnect -- a way to coordinate server connection information with other players -- by V-Man
// Users store server info by typing "getserver" when they are in the desired server.
// The password can be added to the alias by adding it as an argument to "getserver"
// They can then go to other servers and type "sayserver" to invite other players to that server.
// The script also recognizes "connect" messages and automatically stores them.
// The user can access them by typing "cconnect".
alias connectline []
add2conloop [
if (strcmp (at $conline 1) "connect") [
alias connectline (concat (at $conline 2) (at $conline 3) (at $conline 4))
if (>= (listlen $connectline) 1) [echo (c 2)Connect information has been stored!] []] []]
alias cconnect [
if (strcmp $connectline "") [
echo (c 3)No connect information is stored.
] [
connect (at $connectline 0) (at $connectline 1) (at $connectline 2)]]
alias getserver [
if (strcmp $arg1 "") [
alias connectline (curserver 5)
] [
alias connectline (concat (curserver 5) $arg1)]]
alias sayserver [say connect $connectline]
// getserver (password)
// sayserver