20 Feb 11, 08:47AM
Double post!
tools.cfg update, guaranteed to satisfy! :D
iseven -- Checks a given argument and determines whether it is even.
rndposneg -- Generates a random number with an absolute value up to the given argument.
absval -- Returns the absolute value of a given number.
square -- Returns the square of a given number.
sqrt -- Returns the square root of a given number.
insertpos -- Inserts a given string into a given position of a given list.
insertstr -- Same as insertpos, but takes the strings on either side of the replacement as arguments.
shiftsel -- Shifts an editing selection a given amount. Can take cardinal directions as arguments.
convertcnum -- Takes the client number in WHOIS information and returns it without its colon. (>_<)
whoisline -- An alias that is automatically updated to contain the latest WHOIS info requested.
tools.cfg update, guaranteed to satisfy! :D
iseven -- Checks a given argument and determines whether it is even.
rndposneg -- Generates a random number with an absolute value up to the given argument.
absval -- Returns the absolute value of a given number.
square -- Returns the square of a given number.
sqrt -- Returns the square root of a given number.
insertpos -- Inserts a given string into a given position of a given list.
insertstr -- Same as insertpos, but takes the strings on either side of the replacement as arguments.
shiftsel -- Shifts an editing selection a given amount. Can take cardinal directions as arguments.
convertcnum -- Takes the client number in WHOIS information and returns it without its colon. (>_<)
whoisline -- An alias that is automatically updated to contain the latest WHOIS info requested.