19 Feb 11, 11:53PM
Quote:17:49 <Neon__> why is my name always in use
17:49 <Neon__> =P
17:49 <Gibstick> Cause someone has the name Neon__
17:49 <Gibstick> I mean
17:49 <Gibstick> Neon
17:49 <Gibstick> and Neon_
17:49 <Gibstick> and you're stuck with Neon__
17:49 <Neon__> yeah
17:49 <Neon__> but how many neon
17:49 <Neon__> 's
17:49 <Neon__> are there
17:49 <Gibstick> IDK, it's a big network
17:50 <Neon__> true
17:50 <Neon__> you know everything o.O
17:50 <Neon__> what am i thinking about
17:50 <Gibstick> your dick
17:50 <Neon__> :O
17:50 <Neon__> MAGIC!
17:51 <Gibstick> o rly
17:51 <Neon__> you read my mind across miles and miles
17:51 <Gibstick> that was just a guess
17:51 <Gibstick> but in retrospect
17:51 <Gibstick> You would be thinking about your dick because you think I wouldn't think about you thinking about your dick
17:51 <Gibstick> Type the alphabet backwards
17:51 <Neon__> mind blown
17:51 <Gibstick> z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a
17:52 <Neon__> :O