16 Feb 11, 07:42AM
Just put any media you want to replace inside your game-home - you practically never need to change anything inside the installation-directory! Just reproduce the directory-structure and put the file in it's place. E.g. You installed the game to C:\Programs\AssaultCube and pass "--home=C:\This\Is\My\AC" - then you put your personal configuration CubeScript into C:\This\Is\My\AC\config\autotexec.cfg. The same goes for stuff like the 1-Minute-Remaining song - that'd go to C:\This\Is\My\AC\packages\audio\songs - then either re-use the "pingpong\08-pp-headshot.ogg" or "ac.ogg" file-name/-path .. or provide your own config\sounds.cfg with modified entries for those so you can keep the files named like what they are .. it's quite easy, even if I can't make it sound like it :-P