The AC 1.1 cheat detection policy and the AC 1.0 cases
Some day ago when i was playing (and i played alot lately) i found myself to hold back on my aim and not shoot all the bullets i could shot when i was doing good.
It feels like people are speccing you all the time consider the past of cheatblames of me. (well and current blames as many seems upset)
But finding yourself not shooting when you can give a nice kill is kinda fucked up.
Or when you run in a corridor you get one shot in your back and you do a 180 degree turn and press fire to shot before you even start turning.
So you twist and just happend to kill a 10hp guy on your first bullet within 50ms i guess.
Then you think omfg what will ppl think about that kill ?

What i mean is that holding back sometimes as i dont know who checks demos and how good players they are.
If you put a sucky player with no andrealine style to hes gameplay to judge me then he would most likely blame me for cheating instantly cuz of the wierd stuff i make.
With a strange set of headphones (they dont have to be good, just odd i guess) then you can hear a crouch from you base to the other base. Not to mention pickups, you can follow a player running around on the map using pickups and crouch and jump and be VERY ready when he comes to the door.
Some stuff you do in this game is made by brain itself after long playing, like you go in one direction to get flag and all sudden it feels like a good time to check base for Enemy and you go back and find someone that just about to get flag and you kill him.
And you think OMG how can i explain that if they ask, well i cant its just a sense/timing to go check your base.
Maybe there havent been any battle for a period and then you know they are close, i dont know what you think those times but you just go check base.
And it will look like you knew where he was (to others)

I mean with this post is that it feels kinda fucked up playing when you yourself tries to hold back just to not get accused by players that maybe may not be on your level but very respected for their words anyway.
Also do the players that judge other players have a top FPS rate with really good mouse and everything else in the computer set to becomes as smooth as possible for the game ?
If you dont then you cant judge a fast kill, or others aim cuz you dont even know how a good setup works with aim and fighting recoil.
To be honest o dont even notice that there are any recoil on the SMG, only if i stand close to a wall and press fire and dont move mouse i can see it obvious as gun will end up in roof.
But in a fight i dont notice it, i dont think about it or do anything in my mind about it.
Its like the brain and hand controll it by itself..

It may be a game but its more learning the physics of the gameengine to me.
Manual detection of cheat HAS to be made of really good player, not just good players but very good players else it will be bad decisions made sometimes.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: The AC 1.1 cheat detection policy and the AC 1.0 cases - by Matasar - 21 Jun 10, 08:53AM
RE: The AC 1.1 cheat detection policy and the AC 1.0 cases - by Dark_Alex101 - 30 Sep 10, 02:05AM