The Achievements Script - v1.0 stable
DES|V-Man: do you know of the run alias?
// full format: exec config/something.cfg
// shorthand:
run something
The idea of a scripts directory isn't a bad one, but in the past nearly nobody was using, let alone writing, CubeScript apart from the stuff provided by default. It's only DES that has lately (well, sort of) been pumping out all these awesome scripts.
There might be some problem with calling the directory scripts though - I bet it'd lead to immense confusion with newbies; especially if their scripts aren't meant to run on each launch .. I'll think about it some - maybe we can arrange some sort of compromise that'll fit the CubeScript-afficionado just as well as those that just want to use provided material.
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RE: The Achievements Script - v1.0 beta - by ph4ntom - 11 Feb 11, 08:28PM
RE: The Achievements Script - v1.0 beta - by flowtron - 13 Feb 11, 04:17PM