(09 Feb 11, 11:05AM)Hav0c Wrote: I've seen your mums house 24/7 around :P
(10 Feb 11, 07:15AM)Huntsman Wrote: Your mums house is epic.
(10 Feb 11, 08:38AM)Hav0c Wrote: So is yours TROLOLOLOL
Im a Tr0ll_F4ce. Sorry.
(10 Feb 11, 09:26AM)Huntsman Wrote: Your sister is hot.
(10 Feb 11, 09:02AM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: My point is valid, those joints are a chick (which i kinda like) magnet, but those joints also reveal the true AC to them, the one we all like, with the _____ and the _____ and the wish to become a better player, to reach those that You think are the top players, in My opinion those joints only speed the game up
(10 Feb 11, 06:11AM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: I used to host a joint entitled T-Bagging joint! when I had down time from my others and would it become banned if I began hosting that again at any time?
That's the spirit!!