You know, Pwnage. There is something wrong in this way of answering-talking dismembering someone else's thought point-to-point. Like that it seems that one is trying to find where the other is wrong more then trying to understand what he wants to say.
I could answer to you and Apollo showing word after word my objections. I could do it very well. But in this way it's easier to transform a civil discussion into a useless quarrel. And that has never been my intention, as it is not my intention to be rude. Sarcastic yes, maybe, when I am really pissed off if talks do not go to the points. So, no thanks: i will not answer this and that...
I just tell you that even if I like your work, and I always had good feeling and relationship with you (hope that they are *still* reciprocal) the Tyd ladder is not at the moment what I consider the optimum so to help the community to bloom again.
I'll give you some simple examples. Months ago I told you: wouldn't be possible in your ladder to transfer scoring if a player had changed clan (or nickname). You told me: no.
I think that this aspect - as others - is very necessary. Not that I care much for me (the proof is that I didn't ask Drakas to do it for me and I still have multiple accounts on the static HS) but for certain understandable motivations that most of players/clans have. And having a personal history/identity is one of the biggest motivation for someone to come back to a place.
Or another point could be the flags: The Crema is right. Having a flag means be recognizable, means have an identity, means meeting other people from your place... in this way you can recognize them, talk to them, you are more motivated to come back, you can have friends, you form with them groups and clans, and clans make websites... and so on and on. We all should remember that not all the people is fluent in English: for them knowing who is playing from their country is important too.
We could analyze hundreds of details like these that go beyond the pure technical side and refer to the interface and its functions and the possibilities that it implies or denies. But is there someone interested? Or we prefer to accuse each other?
If, and I say if, we want to reason around all the aspects that can give success to something as a ladder ( I used once the word "totem" to call the Tyd ladder in his best days and still I think that that word does the job), I am more then ready to help.
But to do that we at least should dismiss our defensive positions: I have nothing to defend if not my integrity and my good will. Maybe this is why I have no enemies here. Or at least I hope so :)
I could answer to you and Apollo showing word after word my objections. I could do it very well. But in this way it's easier to transform a civil discussion into a useless quarrel. And that has never been my intention, as it is not my intention to be rude. Sarcastic yes, maybe, when I am really pissed off if talks do not go to the points. So, no thanks: i will not answer this and that...
I just tell you that even if I like your work, and I always had good feeling and relationship with you (hope that they are *still* reciprocal) the Tyd ladder is not at the moment what I consider the optimum so to help the community to bloom again.
I'll give you some simple examples. Months ago I told you: wouldn't be possible in your ladder to transfer scoring if a player had changed clan (or nickname). You told me: no.
I think that this aspect - as others - is very necessary. Not that I care much for me (the proof is that I didn't ask Drakas to do it for me and I still have multiple accounts on the static HS) but for certain understandable motivations that most of players/clans have. And having a personal history/identity is one of the biggest motivation for someone to come back to a place.
Or another point could be the flags: The Crema is right. Having a flag means be recognizable, means have an identity, means meeting other people from your place... in this way you can recognize them, talk to them, you are more motivated to come back, you can have friends, you form with them groups and clans, and clans make websites... and so on and on. We all should remember that not all the people is fluent in English: for them knowing who is playing from their country is important too.
We could analyze hundreds of details like these that go beyond the pure technical side and refer to the interface and its functions and the possibilities that it implies or denies. But is there someone interested? Or we prefer to accuse each other?
If, and I say if, we want to reason around all the aspects that can give success to something as a ladder ( I used once the word "totem" to call the Tyd ladder in his best days and still I think that that word does the job), I am more then ready to help.
But to do that we at least should dismiss our defensive positions: I have nothing to defend if not my integrity and my good will. Maybe this is why I have no enemies here. Or at least I hope so :)